Disability insurance more cost-effective


Not long ago, disability insurance is the industry’s darkest eye. The company’s sales of disability insurance, which replaces loss of income if you can not work, huge losses occurred during the 1990s, partly due to a suspicious spending on “nervous” and claims “pressure.” Then, by the insurance commissioner in 2005 on completion of the multi-state investigation we found that some of the largest insurance companies were legitimate interest payment delays and obstacles, and promised other breach of trust. That, coupled with a spate of litigation, resulting in approximately 40 companies – most of them are not the main culprits – sold separately exit strategy. Reservations insurance business raised the price of new buyers and to tighten underwriting rules, making it more difficult to get adequate coverage.

Now, disability insurance is to restore its health and reputation. Fighting the claim has faded from the headlines, but also easier to find an affordable policy than in the past few years. Some people say that is because the insurance companies are scared straight by the well-known lawyers, including some litigation. “Insurance companies know that there are big guns aimed at them, if they refuse to malicious claims,” ​​Larry Schneider, Disability Insurance Resource Center in Albuquerque said.

Another reason, it is a good time to shop disability protection: insurance companies more flexibility about who can get the cover of John Ryan, Ryan Insurance Strategy Consultants, Greenwood Village, Colorado state if, for example, say that you “have been diagnosed with depression, but medication under its control, you May’n Ø again be flatly rejected. in the past, if you start a new business, you would have not qualified a years, if not two. now Ryan found that some insurance companies will take you immediately if you can prove more than five years or five years of experience, your former employer while you are staying in the industry, and has a contract word scheduled to open.

How much do you really need?

If you are too ill to work for six months, how would you live? If you do not have a ready answer, you might want to hurt residual insurance. to calculate how much individual disability insurance, or if you need to, if you want to stay at home longer be added to your current coverage map your monthly living expenses. factors such as, you will save on transportation, if you There are traffic technology TE. Since then subtracted from the benefits of your work group disability plan, if you have one. Remember, If the employer pays the premiums, disability insurance tax checks. If you pay insurance, disability benefits are tax-free.

This may be because your workplace benefits will fall short by several thousand dollars a month. Beneficiaries paid by the employer up to a pre-tax income (not including bonus) of 60%, the upper limit of $ 5,000 per month, you pay taxes on the money. If you earn more than $ 100,000, the difference could be significant.

You should price individual disability policy from an insurance agent or broker. You will not be able to replace your salary every dollar – Under normal circumstances, you can arrange for you to receive a total pre-tax income, Inc. About 65% of the benefits of Luding workplace, personal supplement if you cover these benefits. This expenditure comes from your policy will be tax-free. For example, if you earn $ 100,000, you can get the benefits of the group’s $ 60,000, but you will need to pay taxes. If you leave $ 45,000, you can buy individual disability insurance of $ 20,000 to bring your total expenditure of up to about $ 65,000

costs associated with age, gender and occupation to another. A healthy, 35-year-old man who is $ 75,000 per year in income white-collar industry policy champion guardian to pay about $ 100 a month, has been extended to 65 years if he is permanently injured a $ 4,000 monthly income benefits. If he bought it at 40, the same insurance costs about $ 120 a month. A 35-year-old male doctor who earn $ 200,000d bought a $ 9,200 monthly benefit until the age of 65 will pay $ 275 per month

The ratio of own occupation disability insurance, this is the best kind, because it pays, if you can not complete your current career (see explanation below). Disability insurance is often cheaper way if you need to take other work in you, even damage your career or ignore or underestimate your skills. And such a policy is not to spend much less in addition to a comprehensive, own occupation coverage – sometimes only 15-30 percent less, depending on your type of work

Selected policy

David and Allison Kochman, New York City, graduated from law school, who in 2004Now a lawyer and avid investor success. “We started to make money and build our investment from the ground up portfolio,” said David, 31. David in his company’s disability policy, where he is a lawyer, including his income 60 %, while earnings will be taxed. “If my employer said it would be cut one-third of my salary, which will allow us in a tough place,” he said. Allison, 32 years old, from her job as a General Counsel no disability insurance.

Kochmans spent shopping for several months, and in 2005, they chose a disability policy from Northwestern Mutual. Now, they each have about 80% of the total coverage of their after-tax income – the largest company allows. The couple decided that they can continue to save and keep the roof over their heads, in order to ensure that key. “Our most valuable asset is our source of income,” David said. “I can not prove that the money in the inves tments source of the money unprotected.” The Kochmans intend to regularly improve their disability insurance as increase their income and expenditure. Under their policy cost-of-living adjustments dividend requirements of the index case, inflation.

However, the main reason Kochmans choose their policy is policy definition of disability. the most comprehensive disability plan, such as their, own occupation policy, wages, if you can not carry out the “material and substantial duties of your own occupation,” Even if you can actually do other work. (If you do other work, you can still get full benefits.) This is the ideal of well-trained specialists, such as surgeons, who may be sick or injured and unable to work, but can be done liters in teaching or administration Austria Seoul paid work.

If you are not a professional occupation, it will not lose much by the work elsewhere (or, if you can switch roles at your current employer), you may be able to save money safely and bare metal cover. However, if you are worried about income replacement of thousands of dollars to get the umbrella own occupation.

Some of disability policy, on the contrary, there may be a slip modify their occupation standard. If you can not do your normal job and the other does not work, you get paid. If you do the work elsewhere, youWe lost some or all of the benefits, or insurance companies only cover the gap between your pre-disability income and your current income.

This is not the lowest rung on the quality ladder, however. Policy can be defined by changing one or two words disability – From “no elsewhere” to “does not work in other places” – and threatening hundreds of thousands of dollars of benefits. In this case the insurer, not you, and you can decide whether it should take another job.

And are not familiar with the nuances of the language make-up disability insurance shopping than buying term life insurance or car to protect more complex. Small differences in wording can lead if you get benefits, how much there is a huge difference. Fortunately, individual disability policies are usually “irrevocable” and “renewable energy guarantee,” which means that the premium remains fixed covering life, which is usually 65 years. However, women pay 30-50% of the insured because they have more to 10d claims.

Coverage, maintaining that

Ophthalmologist Jerry Tanner, 58, Lincoln, Nebraska, is not too much to think about disability insurance, when his internship at the hospital, but hit the nail on the subject after he joined a medical practice and the owner of a car accident in 1991, he became a quadriplegic. Tanner bought a disability policy Wantong and office expenses to pay his share of the cost basis of disability business policy. “I keep in my mind, I probably will not need this back, but just in case I had to,” he said.

Tanner carried glaucoma surgery, and for the growth of his practice, he adds more coverage to keep up with his income rises. good stuff. “I just turned 50, my world collapsed,” Tanner said. Just win of his career after the peak of a year, he went to the doctor for check-ups, in order to obtain a pilot’s license. His heart, which shows whether someone has blocked the calcium scanning “is off the scale,” he said. He had heart surgery, and missed work for several months. “I went into a state of panic. My overhead is outrageous, and I have no income in the future,” he said.

Tanner found that he could not practicing ophthalmology in his previous level and speed. “I can see a few patients, but I can not answer the phone or return to the operating room,” he said. “When you cut out your surgery practice, you can eliminate60% ~ 65% of revenue. “Tanner every week for about 2.5 days of office, to see his patients, but much less than his income as a surgeon. His disability insurance policy continues to make up for part of the day due to their own career Ë language differences, however, even though he raised his report, he did not increase the amount much as he could have, and he lived in half the peak of his income.

This is much better than nothing, but there is another risk to consider. in addition to lost salary, retirement is a lack of disability worst (and most overlooked) side effects. Tanner’s disability benefits will stop for seven years, when he was 65, he has been unable to save a lot, because his heart disease was diagnosed, he was deeply worried about his financial future.

In order to solve this problem, you can buy a policy rider that will make contributions to your retirement savings the maximum value of 401 (k), and you are disabled. this adds a 45-year-old man for about a year to $ 200 Wantong who buy policies to cover additional monthly pension of $ 840 of his disability insurance costs. these money does not go your 401 (k);. It enters the insurance company a trust account you choose among a variety of funds, and deferred income tax for peace of mind, this is the safest add-ons, you can buy a .